Wind Energy Assessments
The planning of wind farms or repowering requires precise knowledge of the wind climate as a fundamental prerequisite. Based on microscale wind models and suitable input data, we offer yield assessments, stability classification and other services. Our reports comply with current norms and standards and can be used for official submissions.
Yield assessments, shadow calculations, site assessments
- Of interest to: Energy providers, wind farm operators, planning offices
- Price: on request.
- Contact:
Many years of experience in the wind industry, state-of-the-art modeling and analysis systems, a measurement network with many years of quality-controlled data and intensive research and development in the field of renewable energies enable us to offer a wide range of services and expert reports.
Precise knowledge of wind conditions is required for the planning of wind farms and the optimal siting of wind turbines. Our microscale wind field simulations are based on WAsP and WindSim (especially in complex topography). In addition to roughness and topography, measurements of wind speed and direction (measurement network or measurement masts) or high-resolution reanalysis data are used as the basis for our simulations. The results of wind field modeling provide the basis for wind energy assessments.
Wind resource maps provide a comprehensive overview of the wind conditions and power density at different heights above ground. They can be used for site selection and provide estimates of the expected yields.
Yield calculations at wind turbines, taking into account wake effects from surrounding turbines, provide detailed information on the expected power production. Together with an uncertainty analysis, they provide information on the economic viability of a project.
Site compliance checks are carried out in accordance with IEC-61400-1 or DIBt guidelines. In the case of critical site conditions, tailor-made solutions are proposed in consultation with the client.
In our meteorological reports for wind energy, we provide additional analyses of climate conditions, turbulence, icing potential and lightning density, depending on requirements.
Shadow flicker calculations in accordance with current guidelines are summarized in a report. In case of threshold exceedances, we offer optimized shutdown times proposals.