Origin Analysis

Atmospheric dispersion calculations, air chemistry modelling and the analysis of observation data (satellite data, ground-based remote sensing) are used to investigate the cause of an increased pollutant concentration, for example in case a threshold value is exceeded.

Origin analysis: source area and polluter analysis

  • Of interest to: e.g. public authorities, Environment Agency Austria, plant operators.
  • Price: on request.
  • Contact: umwelt@geosphere.at

Various methods and data are used in the source area and polluter analysis:

  • Analysing the prevailing current during the period in question can already provide an initial indication of a possible source area.
  • Inverse modelling can be used to calculate backwards from the location of the measured pollutant concentrations in order to narrow down the potential source areas. A distinction is made between local, regional and large-scale transport processes.
  • Forward calculations based on specific emitters and emission data as well as the consideration of various observation data (satellite data of various air pollutants, dust layers in ceilometer profile measurements, station data of the air quality measurement networks) support the case.

In local cases, if there is a clear correlation between the polluter and the immission measurement, dispersion modelling can be used to estimate the quantity of released pollutant based on the measured air pollutant concentrations.