GRAMM Wind Fields

Preparation and adaptation of GRAMM wind fields in various sizes to the local conditions of a desired planning area for use in GRAL.

Wind fields for the GRAL dispersion model

  • Of interest to: e.g. architectural and planning consultancies.
  • Price: on request.
  • Contact:

The GRAMM flow model is used to calculate wind fields for a specific region, taking topography and land use into account. The regular horizontal resolution is 200 m; finer resolution calculations are possible if required.

From the large-scale GRAMM wind fields, sections for different area sizes (small 4 x 4 km, medium 10 x 10 km, large 15 x 15 km) are adapted to the local meteorological conditions at a resolution of 200 m (standard) and prepared for use in GRAL. For this purpose, the corresponding section of the calculated large-scale wind fields is matched with a suitable, previously created AKTERM time series.

As part of this service, you will be provided with a project folder containing the following data: GRAMM wind fields, section of the original topography, information on the coordinate system and on the adjustment (station and year). This folder can be used directly as input for GRAL calculations. In addition, a file containing the existing buildings in georeferenced shape format and a report with the interpretation of the results can be provided (on request, additional charges apply).