Environmental Impact Statement – Air and Climate

Projects whose realisation is expected to have a potentially significant impact on the environment must undergo an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in accordance with the EIA Act. The scope of the investigation goes far beyond that of a conventional immission report.

Environmental Impact Statement – Contributions for Air and Climate

  • Of interest to: e.g. architectural and planning consultancies, project coordinators responsible for Environmental Impact Assessments and/or Statements, plant operators, power companies, regional and other public authorities, project applicants.
  • Price: on request.
  • Contact: umwelt@geosphere.at

The Environmental Impact Assessment Act (EIA Act) lists the types of projects subject to an EIA. These include, for example, landfills, waste treatment plants, thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, infrastructure projects (roads, railways, railway stations for freight transport, airports, ski resorts, ports, overhead power lines, mining projects, hydropower plants, wind energy projects, leisure parks, shopping centres, hotels, car parks, etc.). In the EIA process, the effects of projects on various protected goods (air, climate, animals, plants, biodiversity, soil, water, landscapes, scenery, recreation and cultural assets) are determined.

GeoSphere Austria has decades of experience in the preparation of Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), specialised reports for air and climate protection and supports project applicants in the preparation of climate and energy concepts. The impact assessment is carried out in close contact with experts from other fields.

In addition to the operational phase of the analysed project, the scope of the study also includes the so-called ‘zero option’ (no project) and the construction phase. The construction phase can potentially lead to considerable, albeit temporary, effects in the case of ‘low-emission’ projects (e.g. hydropower plants or railways). Emissions during the construction phase are derived based on the construction machinery and Lorries used in accordance with applicable guidelines.

Depending on the location of the project, the topography (terrain) and the built-up area (especially in urban areas) are highly relevant. Therefore, depending on the area of application, different dispersion models are used. The models currently used include LASAT, GRAMM/GRAL, MISKAM, ADMS 5 and KLAM 21.

To assess the meteorological conditions, we rely on the extensive meteorological measurement network of GeoSphere Austria, which can be complemented by special measurements (e.g. using mobile stations) if necessary.

Supporting the project applicant throughout the entire EIA process is an essential part of our service. This starts from the preparation of the EIA concept, and extends to the preparation of the technical report. It also includes contacts with the experts of the relevant authority, participation in negotiations and further support during the process.