Earthquake Expertise

Seismological Expertise determine the effects of earthquakes on structures. For special structures (e.g. dams, SEVESO operations, large infrastructures), additional analyses are often necessary that go beyond the earthquake standard ÖNORM EN 1998-1. The results are the loads from previous earthquakes and the definition of design values and spectra depending on the agreed load case.

Expertise to determine the effects of earthquakes

  • Of interest to: e.g. power and infrastructure operators, mining companies, structural engineer, civil engineer, SEVESO-certified companies.
  • Price: on request.
  • Contact:

Historical and recent earthquake information is used to determine the seismic hazard of a location. This allows statements about the recurrence and extent of ground movements, which are required for the construction of buildings. Design values in accordance with ÖNORM EN 1998-1 are required for earthquake-adapted construction methods. For special structures, i.e. buildings of municipal importance or from which secondary hazards may emanate, additional analyses are often necessary that go beyond ÖNORM EN 1998-1.

Outcome of the expert opinion are the evaluation, interpretation and analysis of the site-dependent load from past earthquakes, any site-specific effects and seismically active faults as well as the calculation and determination of design values and spectra for deterministically or probabilistically defined load cases (e.g. operational earthquake – OBE, maximum conceivable earthquake – MCE, safety earthquake – SEE). If required, we offer on-site analysis to determine the amplification factor and the fundamental frequency of the subsoil (e.g. VS30 value, H/V measurement) or provide suitable time histories. Special questions may relate to soil liquefaction or mass movement because of an earthquake.