RDR stands for Research Data Repository. A RDR is a managed directory for the storage and description of digital research data in a digital archive.
Tethys RDR
Georeferenced research data from the geosciences, available according to FAIR and Open Data principles.
The provided research datasets can be accessed free of charge, downloaded and used – according to their usage rights – on Tethys Research Data Repository (RDR), along with the corresponding metadata. Tethys RDR is committed to provide the published datasets unchanged, long-term and sustainably. Each dataset is assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), ensuring permanent referencing and citation capability. Certification by CoreTrustSeal further guarantees that Tethys RDR meets certain quality criteria as a sustainable and trustworthy research data repository.
- Freely accessible The research data is freely available without restrictions. Any existing embargoes have a guaranteed expiration time.
- Traceable The data is thoroughly described, allowing evaluation of its origin and quality.
- National specialized repository Tethys RDR is the first peer-reviewed, geoscientific data repository in Austria.
- Review process Submitted datasets undergo a review process that ensures high data quality.
- Secure and protected The datasets are protected from manipulation and are secured within the organisation at two different locations.
- Versioning Published datasets can be versioned if necessary. The versioning process is documented in a traceable manner.