Tethys RDR

Georeferenced research data from the geosciences, available according to FAIR and Open Data principles.

The provided research datasets can be accessed free of charge, downloaded and used – according to their usage rights – on Tethys Research Data Repository (RDR), along with the corresponding metadata. Tethys RDR is committed to provide the published datasets unchanged, long-term and sustainably. Each dataset is assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), ensuring permanent referencing and citation capability. Certification by CoreTrustSeal further guarantees that Tethys RDR meets certain quality criteria as a sustainable and trustworthy research data repository.

What are the benefits of Tethys RDR?

  • Freely accessible The research data is freely available without restrictions. Any existing embargoes have a guaranteed expiration time.
  • Traceable The data is thoroughly described, allowing evaluation of its origin and quality.
  • National specialized repository Tethys RDR is the first peer-reviewed, geoscientific data repository in Austria.
  • Review process Submitted datasets undergo a review process that ensures high data quality.
  • Secure and protected The datasets are protected from manipulation and are secured within the organisation at two different locations.
  • Versioning Published datasets can be versioned if necessary. The versioning process is documented in a traceable manner.
Screenshot of the Tethys RDR homepage. In the background a snow-covered mountain range, above it a network of triangles with symbols and a search bar.


Screenshot of the Tethys RDR homepage. © GeoSphere Austria/Reischer.