Monthly Earthquake Report

Automated e-mail containing the monthly earthquake report. The monthly report on earthquakes contains information on earthquakes felt in Austria and relevant earthquakes abroad.

Automatic delivery of the monthly earthquake report

  • Of interest to: e.g. educational institutions, private households, station support personnel.
  • Price: on request.
  • Contact:

We offer an automated e-mail service containing the monthly earthquake. Earthquakes in Austria as well as worldwide earthquakes are briefly described. In addition, the monthly report contains information on earthquakes felt by the population in Austria and relevant earthquakes abroad.

For earthquakes in Austria, the impacts of events are indicated on the 12-level European Macroseismic Scale (EMS-98). The epicentral intensity or the intensity at the built-up area closest to the epicentre is indicated. The report contains a brief description of the impact on people, objects and buildings as well as the source parameters such as time, location and magnitude.

For worldwide earthquakes, the earthquake parameters and a short text about the impacts are given.