Earthquake Information

GeoSphere Austria offers a query of the earthquake catalogue for a specific earthquake event or a defined period. The results are the time, location and magnitude of the quakes. The impact of an earthquake or earthquakes at any location can also be ordered. The result is the local intensity (EMS-98 scale) and a description of the effects on people, objects and buildings.

Information about earthquakes

  • Of interest to: e.g. insurance companies, technical experts, private households.
  • Price: on request.
  • Contact:

Depending on your requirements, data can be compiled from a query of the earthquake catalogue for a specific event or a defined period. A selection can be made between, for example, all registered earthquakes or only stronger earthquakes felt by the population. The result contains the earthquake parameters such as time, location and magnitude and can be made available as a map, list or in standard GIS data formats. The data are checked for completeness and verified by our seismologists.

The impact of events at any location can also be ordered for perceived earthquakes on the 12-level European Macroseismic Scale (EMS-98). The result is a local intensity value and a description of the effects on people, objects and buildings. It is also possible to display only locations that have reached or exceeded a certain intensity level.

It is also possible to request the seismic recording or only its peak values at a specific earthquake station for a specific event.