An AKTERM is a standardised data format for considering meteorology in dispersion modelling. It covers a one-year period of wind direction, wind speed and dispersion class.

AKTERM: Dispersion Class Statistics according to VDI 3782, Sheet 6

  • Of interest to: e.g. architectural and planning consultancies.
  • Price: AKTERM based on observational data without interpretation € 2,100,– net.
  • Contact: umwelt@geosphere.at

For dispersion modelling, time series of meteorological variables are required, which in most cases find their way into the model in the form of an AKTERM. The models that can use an AKTERM as input include GRAMM/GRAL, LASAT, AUSTAL and MISKAM.

An AKTERM contains hourly values of wind direction, wind speed and dispersion class for a representative year. In special cases, the AKTERM can also contain the hourly precipitation and the mixing height. The AKTERM is obtained by analysing long-term observational time series from suitable GeoSphere Austria stations or third-party stations such as the federal state or the Environment Agency Austria.

On request, an interpretation can be supplied in report form (extra charges apply). If no representative station is available in the vicinity of the planning area, the AKTERM can also be created using wind data from our INCA analysis and nowcasting system.